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2018-07-23 S.B. min. Exec.Sess.

Town of Princeton, Mass. – July 23, 2018
Executive Session Minutes – SELECTBOARD

Executive Session 9:55 PM – In open meeting, board voted to go into Executive Session. Selectboard members present were Edith M., Karen C. and Richy B. with T.A. Nina N, only to adjourn.

Executive Session

Executive Session, in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21: Exemption Two – To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for contract negotiations with nonunion personnel – Fire Chief & Police Chief

Nina explained that the draft contract for the Fire Chief has been sent to Town Counsel, noting that the contract did not previously include reference to the Fire Chief’s vehicle and will be proposed. Richy reminded that the Selectboard would also like the contract to reference the Selectboard’s interest to have the Fire Chief become EMT certified. Based on further discussion about the contract and duties of the Fire Chief, the Selectboard agreed that it would be beneficial to have the Fire Chief back in to discuss the contract/duties of the Fire Chief.

Nina asked about how the Selectboard how they wanted to proceed with contract negotiations with the Police Chief. After some discussion, the Selectboard agreed that the Town Administrator should begin negotiations working directly with the Police Chief, and bringing the information back to the Selectboard.

10:53 PM Selectmen closed the executive session with Edith making a motion to adjourn, Richy seconded and in roll call vote they adjourned with Edith, Karen and Richy each saying “aye.”